Don't go 1444
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
A young man was returning home then stranger calls help from a house . And all of a sudden everything started to became very unsettling... This event takes place in a planned location of a mysterious killer. The player must survive this place and find out who is behind all of this. Stay tuned
Set your headphone/speaker volume max.
Нэгэн залуу гэрлүүгээ харьж байтал танихгүй хүн байшин дотроос тусламж хүсэв. Гэвч хэсэгхэн хугацааны дараа бүх зүйл түгшүүртэй болж эхлэв. Ямар нэгэн алуурчны зохион байгуулсан аллагын газарт үйл явдал өрнөх болно. Ямар нэгэн аргаар амьд үлдэж энэ бүхний ард хэн байгаа мөн амьд гарах замыг хайх болно. Тухлан сууж соёрхоно уу..
Чихэвчээ тултал нь чангалж байгаад тоглоорой.
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Development log
- ManipolarDec 30, 2018
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manage to finish 1 part of the game as i found the key XD will make a series out of this game if u guys want me to anyway i love the game and the pixel art similar to rpg horror maker games that i have played way bacck
I had a lot of fun playing it, but I totally rage quit because I could't find the keeeey! I would definitely play it again in the future though :) I want to find it!
I liked the concept, but I got REALLY frustrated with the controls and was unable to complete the game. HOWEVER, with a few adjustments, this can be a super fun game. I had a lot of requests to play this, being that most of my fan base is from Mongolia. I'm willing to give it another try in the future. Happy creating!
goy togloom bna amjilt husee
daraachiin hesgiig gargaarai tgvel bi durtaiyaa tglono shvv
I played your game in this video. I loved the visuals and the soundtrack behind it and I do like the enemy but.... it isn't clear what you have to do. Yes I needed to find "the door" but there was so many bloody doors lol!!
Gy togloom bn. Ariin duu ni ter ni bol zurh tugsheej chadaj l bn.
bolkuu bhiin yhuu
crashlaad bna 32bit deer
windows 10 deer bolohgvi bnshde
32bit bhgvi yu
Hi. 32 bit bolj bga. Aldaaniihaa medeellig ywuulaarai.
goy hiisen bna unegui bolgoj bolhuu pls
Unegui bga
I enjoyed the game overall, even though I wasn't able to complete it. It was quite fun! I did a let's play of the game as well on my channel!
iphone-ii APPSTORE deer gargaj chadah uu
when i want to download ur game its say my android is not compatible with ur game version.
You can download now
Play store oos tatah gher blohgu bhin
daraagiin shinechlelteer hariltsan yrianuudiig hurdasgamaar sanagdlaa :)
I have downloaded this game and tried to play it, but when the game starts, my smartphone screen becomes an error? Is this a bug or part of the game? if this bug please fix it soon because I really want to play this game. (the screen becomes a glitch)
I download ur game from google play
Got it. We will fix tnx for report
ih goy hiisen bna unegui bolgoj bolhuu pls
Keep it up. Nice game.
tegj baigaad android deer play store deer taviarwai
goy togloom bna androidiig ni hiigeereee bichleg hiy bas ulam goy togloom hiigeeree
goy togloom bn shuu tsaashdaa oshoo goyiig gargaarai
ahaa ene toglomoo anroid deer gargaad ogooch guiy
Sonirhoj bgd bayarlalaa udahgui tavigdah bolno
togloj uzlee ih goy bolson udahgui olon2 togloom hiigeerei amjilt
Yaj tatav
Thanks for supporting us by making videos. :D
Pretty good game. I didn't play it before the candle time was lengthened but it seems to be a good length. short enough that you are always looking for them but not losing too quickly because of it.
Thanks for supporting us by making videos.
I enjoyed this guy, but would be nice if the candles lasted longer
Thank you for play and support :D. We already fixed candle time
Амжилт хүсье :D
If only candles lasted a little bit longer. But it's a nice game for sure.
Here's my channel if you want to see more games I played. https://www.youtube.com/c/Levont
Thank you for play and support :D. We already fixed candle time longer
Just got killed by the Lil Monster :(
Thank you for play and support :D
Nice2 amjilt