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  • Summary: Figment is an action-adventure game that invites you to explore a unique surreal universe filled with music, humor and multi layered narrative. Join Dusty and his ever-optimistic friend, Piper, on an adventure through the different sides of the mind seeking to restore the courage that's been lost.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Sep 21, 2017
    Figment tackles a potentially emotional subject, but does so without depressing the player. Quite the opposite. Its gameplay and writing come together in such a charming and musical way, you’ll find yourself smiling throughout.
  2. Sep 25, 2017
    The combat is weak, but the puzzles, story, and atmosphere are not. Because of the way things left off and the surefire success this title is going to garner, I have no doubt that we’ll return to this world again. Until then, I’ll be replaying Figment until I know every note of this unbelievably good soundtrack.
  3. Sep 21, 2017
    If interesting and intelligent indie games are your thing, then get yourself a piece of Figment.
  4. Oct 18, 2017
    Despite some evident flaws in the combat sections, Figment is a delightful puzzle adventure which dealt with some serious topic through an inspired light-hearted approach. Kind of a mixture of videogame, musical and a great animated movie.
  5. Sep 28, 2017
    Figment is at once lighthearted and deep. It reminds us that dark things may lurk underneath otherwise pleasant surfaces, that grumpy egos may populate the shuttered houses of an otherwise beautiful mind. Sometimes Figment seems a little too silly for its ambitions, but that frivolity never manages to fully drown out its overarching message--that if we persevere and have a little faith in our abilities, things will likely turn out well in the long run. Or, at least, we'll learn how to live with the pain.
  6. Oct 26, 2017
    Graphically the game looks gorgeous. It evokes a hand drawn style that is lovely. I wish there was more interaction with the environments though. Usually you cannot interact with it at all, and there is a distinct lack of NPCs for the most part. Figment is one of the easier adventure style games, but I don't think that is a negative. However, if you are a big fan of the genre, or want more of a challenge, this really isn't for you. I am knocking points off for the uninspired combat and the lack of interactivity with the environment and NPCs, but overall it is a fun light adventure.
  7. Oct 4, 2017
    A well put together action puzzler, Figment has truly outstanding musical work. It'd be a great game to discover with children, but you'd probably need one to get the most out of it.

See all 8 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Sep 22, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This game is simply wonderful.

    I just completed it and... well, I'm speechless. First I had a little bit of fear in me that this game is gonna be like some indie titles in which the art design is stellar, but everything else - especially the gameplay is shallow. But boy, I was so wrong.

    When I started I didn't really understand what this game is about, but after 2 or 3 levels I got it and I also got the hang of the gameplay and I started to have so much fun with it. Through this roughly 6 hour journey I grown to love the main characters, Dusty and Piper. It was so much fun to go on an adventure with them.

    And hey, I loved the gameplay too! It was very refreshing and original with a lot of well implemented, creative ideas. In each and every section of the game I had to do a little bit different things, so the gameplay never felt boring or repetitive, and the game also had just the right amount of puzzle and combat scenarios.

    The music was so touching and uplifting, the art design was fantastic all the way through, and these combined together with the often fun, but sometimes emotional story brought the inner child of me to the surface (sorry, English isn't my native language).

    So yeah, this game had a strong emotional effect on me, and [SPOILER STARTS ]the section near the end where Piper sang to lure away the darkness [SPOILER ENDS] was one of the most magical experiences I've ever had in gaming.

    It's definitely one of the best games of 2017, I highly reccommend it to anyone.

    If I really have to say something negative, these are purely technical (except the last one, but that wasn't really a problem anyway).

    There is a place in the game where if I travel through (via loading screen), the game freezes. It happaned twice (don't worry, it not always happens, you can complete the game).

    3 times the framerate heavily dropped down for a moment on my powerful PC (EVGA GTX 1080 FTW2, i5-6600K 4.5GHz, GSkill Ripjaws 2x8GB 3200MHz). But I think it's just some kind of bug in the code, not an optimization issue.

    There was one time where I had to kick an object to a moving platform, and the object got stuck in the air (not on the moving platform). A checkpoint restart fixed it.

    The first roughly two levels (intro level and town maybe) wasn't that special for me, but obviously because I haven't really understand back then what's this game is really all about. But after that I quickly started to love it once I understood the point of the gameplay.
  2. Nov 9, 2018
    Мир игры - это самый что ни на есть сюрреализм, при этом понятный и приятный всем. В итоге разработчики Bedtime Digital Games сотворилиМир игры - это самый что ни на есть сюрреализм, при этом понятный и приятный всем. В итоге разработчики Bedtime Digital Games сотворили маленькое чудо, которое подарит прекрасные игровые воспоминания как детям, так и взрослым. Обязательно приобретите эту игру и уделите ей своё время.

    The world of the game-this is the most that neither is surrealism, while clear and pleasant to all. As a result, the developers of Bedtime Digital Games have created a small miracle that will give great gaming memories for both children and adults. Be sure to purchase this game and give it your time.
  3. Oct 5, 2017
    Hello everybody, Shaun Meyers here to share my thoughts on Figment by Bedtime Digital Games. Disclaimer: I received a copy of the game forHello everybody, Shaun Meyers here to share my thoughts on Figment by Bedtime Digital Games. Disclaimer: I received a copy of the game for review purposes. Like all of my reviews, however, this has no effect on my thoughts and experiences with the game.

    Figment is an audio-visual themed puzzle game that puts you in the role of Dusty, the mind’s courage. The entire game takes place within the mind and it’s world’s and characters use this theme throughout.

    Dusty sets out on his journey with his overly optimistic companion, piper, after his scrapbook is stolen. Dusty’s journey takes him to various parts of the mind. The right side of the brain, where creativity is controlled. The left side of the brain, where logic comes into play. Finally, the conscious mind, where you’ll find a harsh and ever changing landscape.

    In each area you’ll be tasked with defeating nightmares. These nightmares sing while battling them and each song is excellently done. The songs vary depending on the nightmare as well so it’s varied in genre. I personally liked the fear of death’s songs the most, since his were rock/metal based. They all were excellent though and very catchy. The ambient music was also very good. There are often instruments as trees and hearing them was also enjoyable. All in all, the music mixed with the ambient sounds was quite eargasmic.

    The game’s gameplay mostly revolves around solving various types of puzzles. These puzzles are very well designed and are the perfect mix between easy and challenging. The game definitely makes your brain work and the puzzles are often very fun to solve as well.

    I also really liked the colorful artwork that was used throughout. Each area you visit is well designed and you could feel that a lot of work went into making them unique. The game often felt like playing a fairy tale in truth. It was a mixture between lighthearted and dark and it was highly entertaining.

    The game does feature some combat and it often kicked in at perfect moments. This way the puzzles never become monotonous or repetitive. I will admit that the combat system isn’t the game’s focus so it’s a bit on the basic side. It does it’s job well in the end though.

    Overall, Figment is an amazing audio-visual experience. It’s gorgeous art style mixed with the excellent music throughout creates a torrent of enjoyment. Listening to everything on a surround sound system was pretty amazing and I highly recommend it with headphones. The game’s story was pretty good too but it’s world, mixed with the music and art is really what makes it worth playing. I highly recommend this one folks, it’s pretty epic.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my review folks. I’ll be back with my next review soon, until then, happy gaming folks!

    Shaun Meyers (Kyo Akiara) out!
  4. Oct 5, 2018
    Pretty little indie game. Interesting take on a simple story idea. Great art style and very good sound design and soundtrack. Puzzles varyPretty little indie game. Interesting take on a simple story idea. Great art style and very good sound design and soundtrack. Puzzles vary from fairly easy to moderately difficult later in the game. Combat sometimes is a little frustrating but not enough to detract from the overall experience. Expand
  5. Sep 4, 2018
    Haiku Review: Baddies that sing are / pretty cool but it's too bad / There's just not enough
    Favorite Thing: Singing baddies. I just wish
    Haiku Review: Baddies that sing are / pretty cool but it's too bad / There's just not enough
    Favorite Thing: Singing baddies. I just wish there was more of it.
    Least Favorite Thing: I didn't find it very engaging until the very end.

    Date Completed: 2018-09-03
    Playtime: ~ 4h
    Enjoyment: 6/10
    Recommendation: It's borderline but if you're looking for something quick give it a go.
  6. Nov 5, 2020
    Well, seriously, it's even hard to call it a game.
    Fighting is not needed here at all, because it is implemented badly.
    The design is cute,
    Well, seriously, it's even hard to call it a game.
    Fighting is not needed here at all, because it is implemented badly.
    The design is cute, but in fact, it's just a drawn heap of incomprehensible things.
  7. Apr 5, 2020
    L'étron indé (à chier) du jour est une petite merdasse (en 256 couleurs approximativement) sous le couvert et le prétexte de la poésieL'étron indé (à chier) du jour est une petite merdasse (en 256 couleurs approximativement) sous le couvert et le prétexte de la poésie cathartique d'un dépressif traumatisé par une perte que l'on regrette pour lui, je suppose, mais qu'on déconseille fortement d'acheter ou de jouer. Et même les deux, mon Général ! (et d'ailleurs, feu à volonté sur cette merdasse, mon Général !!).

    Il s'agit en effet d'une forte merdasse d'un goût douteux sans (aucune) direction artistique puisqu'on ne trouve strictement rien qui soit artistique là-dedans, de près ou de loin. C'est une insignifiante daube à énigmes (d'un humour douteux également) dont l'aspect enfantin ou infantilisant n'a d'égal que l'horrible musique d'ascenseur bien niaise qui l'accompagne.

    Mieux vaut donc passer à côté de ce machin, en prenant soin de ne pas marcher dedans, bien sûr.
