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Generally favorable reviews - based on 67 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2012 Ratings

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  • Summary: Beyond the town of Torchlight lies a world shrouded in adventure and mystery. Guardian-warrior Syl appears in a prophetic dream, summoning the player to the Estherian Steppes. There, you meet with the Destroyer and soon venture across the continent of Vilderan, an exotic frontier besieged byBeyond the town of Torchlight lies a world shrouded in adventure and mystery. Guardian-warrior Syl appears in a prophetic dream, summoning the player to the Estherian Steppes. There, you meet with the Destroyer and soon venture across the continent of Vilderan, an exotic frontier besieged by forces of evil. A discovery unfolds, that the Alchemist, following his conquest of dark ember, disappeared on his quest to defeat the unknown corrupted force responsible for destroying the mystical race of Estherians. Aided by Syl, the remaining Estherian Guardians, and clues left behind by the missing Alchemist, you will find yourself battling a powerful enemy that threatens to unravel the elements of the entire world. Torchlight 2. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 66 out of 67
  2. Negative: 0 out of 67
  1. Sep 26, 2012
    Simply put, Torchlight II is a phenomenal game. It's incredibly polished, and everything just feels like it's in the right place when you're playing. It's tons of fun to play and never takes itself too seriously, and there are some great pop culture references sprinkled throughout. It's a great pickup for both action RPG fans and newcomers alike, at $20 it's the best bargain that there is in gaming, and something I would recommend to anyone without hesitation.
  2. Oct 9, 2012
    Torchlight II is one of those games that may not be innovative on the whole, but that just gets so many of the little things right. Sure, it's a point-and-click action-RPG in the traditional mode, but it knows how to tap into everything that makes these types of games fun to play.
  3. Sep 19, 2012
    Torchlight II succeeds in being a truly viable alternative to Diablo III. The action is faster and thicker and rewards are set to a quickened treadmill pace, resulting in an experience that is immediately rewarding and increasingly addictive. Its seamless co-op (which includes player trading) openly gives Blizzard the middle finger as it allows players to decide whether to play a solo game offline or open it up for drop-ins.
  4. Sep 24, 2012
    Torchlight II is great fun and it won't be long before you're playing the game late at night muttering the famous gamer mantra, "Just one more quest." This is a how a sequel should be: it reintroduces concepts and mechanics that made the game popular while making a few useful tweaks and changes to parts of the design. Although it doesn't stray too far outside the original game's shadow, it is no less wonderful for it. As the saying goes, "if it isn't broke, don't fix it."
  5. LEVEL (Czech Republic)
    Nov 4, 2012
    Bandage up your index fingers and brace for an extensive click-fest. Torchlight II is a polished Diablo-like action, ideal for the upcoming long autumn evenings. [Nov 2012]
  6. Sep 21, 2012
    Especially in areas where Diablo III disappointed, this small gem from Runic Games displays its strengths: There is more than enough useful loot, thus motivating the hunt for the bigger better item, you need to make decisions when it comes to character development. Choice and balancing of the difficulty levels are also well-conceived.
  7. Oct 2, 2012
    Make no mistake, Torchlight 2 is nothing revolutionary. It favors a remix of genre conventions over any true evolution of the action RPG formula, but it is a pitch-perfect execution of those traditions that remains satisfying from start to finish and beyond

See all 67 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 507
  1. Sep 20, 2012
    This game get's a 10/10, I've been playing the press release.

    First of all, graphics sound style charm blablabla we've all heard it before.
    This game get's a 10/10, I've been playing the press release.

    First of all, graphics sound style charm blablabla we've all heard it before. So let me instead say what stuck out to me.

    Somehow because of my own idiocy I lost 8-9 hours of progress on an elite DW berzerker I made. I was half way thru act 2. Needless to say this was frustrating, so I had an idea.
    I'm only allowed to show act 1-2 and everyone saw 1 from the beta, so I decided to spend my second, returning 9 hour trainride rushing 5 characters to the end of act 1.

    Thanks to a 3 hour train delay I succeeded. I made a lvl 21 dualzerker which rocks, a lvl 21 tankgineer which rocks, a lvl 21 embermage that demolishes elite, a lvl 21 melee 2h engineer I need to work on, and a lvl 21 bowlander that's starting to rock.

    Here is the important reason why the game is a ten/ten. Alone, playing single player in a train, with a malfunctioning mouse, I didn't get bored playing 5 characters through the same act. To the contrary I really enjoyed seeing my builds come to life.

    you think the repetition would kill you, but the randomized chunks are magic. Honestly diablo 2 has it easier I realized, because part of the reason it captivates me is because the crap graphics let my imagination fill in the blanks. In TL2 everything looks so good, that it's easy to get tired of seeing the same urns over and over. So Runic ingeniously made randomized chunks and they keep the game super fresh. I'd be just starting to grumble over doing the same quest, when I'd run across a little scene, nook, or area I hadn't seen before and it just seemed so wonderful and alive. Like the world evolves with my character. It's hard to describe the feeling, but it just keeps the game from getting tedious if you appreciate exploration like I do.

    The skills are IMO not perfect, but they will never be as we all want different things. I'll do a skill change request thread later. Some buffs I thought could have lasted 3-5 seconds longer and some tier bonuses I thought could have been more generous given the mana cost. However each skill has purpose, and if you build correctly you could make many of the active skills your main. I'm going to eventually make a fire bomb embermage instead of the cliche magma spear build.

    The difficulties are great now. Veteran becomes legitimately challenging and elite is freaking hard though I have conquered it with one build.

    Mainly I have to give a lot of points because I was doubtful about how far they'd come from the beta and they went over my expectations. Every single change I've noticed from the beta not only do I approve of but appreciate. They made dual wield claw berzerkers viable, they nerfed everything that trivialized elite yet unlike some companies nerfed the skills to "viable" instead of "useless."

    They are true to their word that you can become OP for moments, only to find in the next 6-8 levels that your enemies have caught back up, or even become stronger than you again.

    There is the sweet pain of letting go of a piece of armor that boosted your damage because you are in sore need of more survival based affixes.

    The act changes are also great. I won't talk about act 3, but in act 2 I felt, rightly so, that engineers and berzerkers suffered from all the slowing ice damage. Lo in behold though in act 2's desert againt physical opponents my berzerker began to thrive like no other. The acts DO feel different from eachother, and this is very good.

    Monsters are fantastic, I find myself thinking, "oh it's one of those types. I better avoid x and do y." Like when I see basilisks I keep my distance and hit and run to avoid being snared by their gaze. When I see hordes of small minions I dive in with AOE to make sure I kill them before their fast damage kills me. Some of my classes handle projectile enemies better, some handle mages better, and some handle melee better. Each play through feels different.

    The item game is super sweet. I love the new affixes. Life and mana regen are helpful. The new "cast on hits" are cool. But specifically a lot of uniques were changed since beta. Now every class specific unique has 1-2 affixes that specifically help one or 2 builds for that class. Whenever I find a class unique I get excited and can easily imagine how to best utilize it.

    The boss fights were good but I am still a little dissapointed in act 1's. Act 1 feels too fast for me. You meet the wise guy for all of 2 seconds and then he becomes [spoiler] . I was hoping to get more attached to him first.

    Every act felt different, the difficulty got progressively harder, the loot and randomization were utterly superb.

    All and all, I'm going to waste my life playing this game. I'm adoomgod on steam, feel free to add me, I'll help you min-max your character if you want. I enjoy all modes of difficulty.
  2. Sep 25, 2012
    I Loved Diablo 1, I loved Diablo 2. After seeing the slow decline in Blizzard since Warcraft 3, I did not pursue interest in Diablo 3 afterI Loved Diablo 1, I loved Diablo 2. After seeing the slow decline in Blizzard since Warcraft 3, I did not pursue interest in Diablo 3 after many things I saw implemented into the game system that really killed it for me. I played Torchlight 1 and was not impressed, then along came Torchlight 2, and I am: as many would put it, IMPRESSED!!
    Take What made Diablo 2 fun and update it by removing the tedium (selling junk, using potions and inventory management)

    While for some the graphics may seem childlike, I could agree, at first. But honestly when I am running a steady 60+ FPS with never any slowdown or graphical glitches, it can look like mine craft for all I care and is something that is easily looked past within the first hour of play.

    The story is intriguing and the voice acting acceptable for today's standards. It won't blow you away, but it will rarely (if ever) make you cringe.

    Loot seems right on top for how often a blue drops you may enjoy using to a unique, or even a green.
    You'll find yourself harken back to the days of Diablo 2 trying to finish that awesome set for the bonuses, or grinding away to find embers (socketables).

    Character customization is here, and gladly accepted. Diablo 3 and all games seem to treat us gamers like complete idiots and dumb down intricate systems of customization, not here. You tailor your stats and then create your build, no two builds are the same due to the amount of options per class.

    Bottom line, for 20 dollars, this is the BEST investment you could make if you enjoy the A-RPG genre, another major factor why I couldn't justify shelling out $60 to Blizzard for Diablo 3.

    And of course, why is this game a spiritual successor to Diablo 2? Well Matt Uelman of course. During your play you can almost hear bits of the music give you a taste of Diablo 2 and 1.

    The ace in the whole for the entire series was lost when Blizzard North got decimated and they lost Matt Uelman, look no further, he's here, he's Torchlight 2.
  3. Dec 10, 2014
    This is what Diablo 3 should have been. It's brilliant and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the ARPG genre. Lots ofThis is what Diablo 3 should have been. It's brilliant and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the ARPG genre. Lots of innovative additions to the format, beautiful locations, wonderful classes with proper customisation and random levels - what more could you possibly want?

    Jimbo Rating: 10/10
  4. Sep 21, 2012
    Easily my game of the year. I have waited 2 years for this, stalking the website for it to finally come out, and 10 hours in, it had notEasily my game of the year. I have waited 2 years for this, stalking the website for it to finally come out, and 10 hours in, it had not dissapointed me once. Theres TONS of content here for 20 dollars, all completely polished. On top of that, anything you don't like in the game, you can just change with mods. It's pretty close to the peak of the genre. If you are a fan of hack and slash dungeon crawlers, this is the best one since Diablo 2. Expand
  5. Jun 16, 2013
    This is a fantastic game. I don't have a ton of experience playing action RPGs, but I was a huge Diablo fan back in the day. In myThis is a fantastic game. I don't have a ton of experience playing action RPGs, but I was a huge Diablo fan back in the day. In my experience, TL2 is beautiful, fun, accessible and addictive. The music is extremely well done also. I cannot believe this game is only $20 (I actually caught it on sale for less).

    My only gripe is the lack of native controller support. I purchased Pinnacle Game Profiler to allow me to use a controller, and it works quite well. I hope the next Torchlight installment will include it.

  6. Sep 24, 2012
    Ahh yes, its finally here. The game Diablo fanboys have been waiting to come out to either: 1. Praise for being just like 1&2 OR 2. Take aAhh yes, its finally here. The game Diablo fanboys have been waiting to come out to either: 1. Praise for being just like 1&2 OR 2. Take a dump all over it because its a clone of Diablo 3. Similar to Diablo 3 yes but also better for a lot of reasons. Torchlight II is for people who like to tweak their experience to their play style whereas Diablo 3 forcefeeds you skills, talents, and modifiers. This game has NO AUCTION HOUSE making every juicy piece of loot earned and not gold-farmed or bought with actual money. But enough about Diablo lets talk about some T2 details. The graphics are really great. The graphical style of T2 goes perfectly with the lighter atmophere the game presents to you with cartoon flare and explosions that can fill the entire birdseye view at points. The soundtrack its just quite simply amazing. Composed by the great Matt Uelmen (Diablo, Diablo 2, WoW: BC, Starcraft) which morphs from sparse picking of a guitar to gawdy thick choir chanting and whatnot. At the time of this review there are bugs that can be annoying but Runic is working on them every day. I can't wait to see the mods that come out later on for this game. Expand
  7. Jul 1, 2020
    I really like Torchlight 2. It is very good action RPG. For me to a perfect 10 it lacks only more responsive combat which feels a bit sluggishI really like Torchlight 2. It is very good action RPG. For me to a perfect 10 it lacks only more responsive combat which feels a bit sluggish in comparison to D3, Grimm Dawn or PoE. Its story could have been a bit better too but the story is not something I look for in aRPG games. Expand

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